Umbra Lixirs is a simple 2D platformer with alternate dimensions. Elixirs transfer you to this alternate dimension where you see the shadows true form.

Our Pirate Software 2024 Game Jam Submission! This was done by GIGAWATS and StudlySudz as our own little future studio Mystic Moose Games. This is our very first game jam that we have something to submit to!

We added a couple of Quality-Of-Life mechanics like Coyote Time, Jump Buffering, Various Jump Heights, and Faster Falling to avoid making the player feel too floaty.

Theme - Shadows and Alchemy

Game Controls:

Jump - Space, W, or UP arrow

Left/Right - A/D and LEFT/RIGHT arrow keys

If this is something that anyone likes, we would love to add more levels and systems to make a complete game experience to further expand our existing game loop.

Game Design Document:


 Music:MuzStation Game Music

 SFX: GDC 2020 and 2023 Game Audio Bundels

Pixel Art:

Environment -> Anokolisa on

Player and Enemies -> Ox72 on

Shaders: Made in-house by StudlySudz

Particle Effects: Made in-house by GIGAWATS


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Nice artwork, music, and controls are pretty good. jump needs to be  a tiny bit stronger. Nice work!

Thank you and thanks for the feedback! The max jump height for the player, if I can remember off the top of my head, is 4 blocks high. Meaning your head is at 4 blocks not your feet if that makes sense. Are you thinking it should be 5? Or was there a specific spot that felt bad? If so, we could try fixing that spot. 


This was so fun to play! I loved the style - it's so cute! The text was super funny and the controls felt really nice. I'd love to play a longer version!

I'm glad you had fun! We might have to look into adding some more levels!


Super cute! I enjoyed the tight controls, clever text on the level, art, sounds, and everything! I think you made good choices here and something like this would be really fun to play for a long time.

You should feel very proud of this :)

Thanks for the comment! I'm glad you enjoyed it!